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Comprehensive School Counselor Program Activity

Analogy of Self-Image Picture

This post provides an activity for your Comprehensive School Counselor Program. You can practice for yourself as well as with the students. This is a primary step in helping your students, because they see themselves as reflections of their role models.

Look at that beautiful self in the mirror and promise that reflection that you will not put it through any emotional threatening molds or moods again! The truest form of tragedy is when others can recognize your beauty and your assets, while you cannot. Others have praised you, yet you cannot get through some barrier to find that true beauty.

Allow those compliments and that praise from those who love you to set the stage for your list. Accept yourself, so you can help your students accept themselves. Now, write at least five good things about your body image. Keep going if you can. Pull out more paper when you need it. (Notice I said “when”, not “if”.)

We live up to self-fulfilling prophecy. If someone we loved and respected told us we were valued and beautiful, then we believed it. If someone did not give us this gift, then we had and still carry around with us this low self-image. This activity provides that outlet for you and your students.

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